Stonyarc - great plugin. I am looking to hack it for my own site for a slightly different purpose.
I have a VB form that members can add lat & lon into 2 custom fields I have added. I want to use your map plugin to help them find their locations. I will only be using the main screen in a simplified format to do this. When the main map screen is loaded, what are the variable names that hold the dynamic X & Y co-ords that are displayed in the read only boxes at the top?
I have taken off all functionality apart from the ability to drag the map around and zoom in and out and have added a form button beside the latitude / longitude boxes using the following code:
<form method="get" action="http://www.mydomain/forums/newthread.php">
<input type=hidden text name="my_variable_lat" value=?>
<input type=hidden text name="my_variable_lng" value=?>
<input type=submit value="Submit">
I am missing the variables to add in for the values. I tried $dlat and $dlng and the form code works but these variable are the default values. Any help please?