otaku talk eh? This is the 4th time ive seen this link somewhere and decided to click it =) very nice. I myself have run 4-5 popular anime sites and can say with the right attitude your's can grow.. the design is sweet and simple, and it look's like you know what you are doing. The name is nice, any chance you remember otakulive.com? well that was my forums =P got pretty big eventually, then I sold it.. anyway that's another story. What can I say, so far it's looking good, the best way to spread is word of mouth.. it doesn't look like you offer much media so it will be hard expanding quickly.
www.oz-anime.com (is mine) weve reached around 650-1100 unique a day, with only being online for a month and a half now.. and pretty much word of mouth is what did that.
If you need any help, just add me to msn... anytime.
Once in a while you see something decent online these days :/