Originally Posted by fneumeier
I've read such suggestions now many time here in various forums. But this definitely it not a solution but only is a desaster for performance on my server. Imaging users upload a 3-Mpixel image and VB is resizing this EVERY TIME this image is being viewed! Also, think about storage space these pictures would need on the server/in the database!
No, I really want to resize the images right when they're uploaded. In consider this as extremely userfriendly (no need fo the user to resize the images prior to upload) and as a optimal solutions for server performance and storage space. The high resolution/big sized images are not needed for anything, so why keep them on the server?
Have you got an idea where to resize the pictures right at the upload?
Clearly you would need to restrict file size for image uploads so users cant upload unlimited 3MP images. Thats pretty obvious.
This script does dynamic resizing like the title of this thread states. It isn't a script that resizes and then resaves the image, overwriting the original. Though, im sure you could find a php script that does that by searching Google.