Content is the key to a successful site. However, if you don't understand USABILITY ... a successful site can be slow to achieve .. it all depends on how user-friendly your interface and design is.
Developing a successful site is about creating a positive user experience. However, creating this experience requires more than just great content - it's about creating a useful and usable site that is right for your intended target audience.
Attachment 46690[/rft]
Attachment 46689[/rft]Essentially, USABILITY is a combination of factors that affect a user's experience when interacting with your web site interface.
- Is the interface easy to learn?
- How easy is it to find content?
- How easy is it to read content?
Above are two images that displays USABILITY at work.
What you're looking at is the "interface" that displays the content. This is just one small aspect of how you can work with USABILITY to make it easier for your readers.
Take a look at the two images above ... Which is easier to read? Which one promotes "reading"? Keep in mind that both images consist of the same content.
With that said, let me emphasize again...
Having great content alone is not enough! You need to understand USABILITY.
Now, in regards to "style vs substance"...
Here's how I break it down:
SCORE: 100 = good design + good interface + good content
SCORE: 60 = bad design + good interface + good content
SCORE: 20 = good design + bad interface + good content
SCORE: 0 = bad design + bad interface + bad content
The higher the number the faster success will be achieved.
"good content" is what you're offering to reader. "good content" should pass the AIDAS Test:
- Does it grab user's ATTENTION?
- Does it strengthen INTEREST?
- Does it stimulate DESIRE?
- Does it make them take ACTION?
- Does it SATISFY a need?
A "good design" will:
- use color to place focus on specific elements ... for example, content, sponsors, etc
- use color that is appropriate for your intended target audience.
- use "text size" that is appropriate for your intended target audience.
- add to USABILITY not detract.
A "good interface" will:
- keep options on interface to a minimum.
If it's not needed don't add it ... place it elsewhere such as "settings page".
- focus on content.
- be easy to learn.
- be easy to use (not cluttered).
- have a low error rate.
If it looks good on print then you're closer to achieving a successful site.
I tend to focus on interface that will look good on paper (ie. brochures, etc) which is why a favor fixed-width layouts over liquid layouts.