Spyware/Malware use deceit while Adware is up-front. Spyware/Malware can be trojan-based but Adware is nothing more than advertisement.
ADWARE is more upfront???? That's the biggest LOL I've had all morning.
I suggest you start reading these three blogs:
Benjamin Edelman,
Spyware Warrior, and
Vitalsecurity.org. Then check out this list:
http://research.pestpatrol.com/search/browse.aspx (see the first definition? Adware 628 types) Pick one like
180Solutions and read what it loads onto your machine.
Adware/nCase[Panda], TrojanDownloader.Win32.IstBar.j[Kaspersky], Spyware/ISTbar[Panda], TrojanDropper.Win32.Small.mr[Kaspersky], TrojanDownloader.Win32.Small.wj[Kaspersky], Adware/AdLogix[Panda],
MORE UPFRONT? And that is from an ADVERTISING agency.
Adware is actually MORE dangerous than spyware and malware. YOU KNOW where they are coming from, you don't on the adware. Liz