Now that I'm not so tired I thought of another question regarding my error message above. What MySQL d/b changes were made? Which table needs new fields and what would the names be to look for to be sure they are there?
Okay, I went into phpMyAdmin and checked my forum tables '******_thread' and '******_post' and neither table has a 'dice' field.
so do I edit the xml file and change
<code version="1.0">
<installcode>ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD `dice` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE '******_' ADD 'dice' MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL ;</installcode>
<uninstallcode />
<code version="1.0">
<installcode>ALTER TABLE `******_thread` ADD `dice` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE '******_post' ADD dice mediumtext not null;</installcode>
<uninstallcode />
with the asterisks being the prefix for all tables in the d/b?
EDIT: 9:46am CDT
That didn't work, BUT, once i went in to phpMyAdmin and added the fields to the two tables it works GREAT!

so I guess there's something in the code in the xml file that didn't actually ALTER my tables.... or was there something else in the xml file that i didn't find where I should have typed in the name of the d/b? I assumed since it was imported/installed using the vB AdminCP that it would 'know' that was the d/b to alter the tables in......