Originally Posted by Zachariah
My last upgrade: VB3.5.0 to VB3.5.4
There are currently 142 customized template(s) that need to be updated or reverted.
This sucks
I try and use "Auto" as much as I can to stop reinstall of template edits after a VBCORE upgrade. I hate to re-edit templates on hacks installed because of a needed "revert" of a templates.
[high]* Zachariah goes back to code cave.[/high]
Hehe. I'm guessing you voted for "Just give me a working modification with a clean install, no template or file edits needed."?
Originally Posted by Tony G
Learning experience is probably needed so that when problems occur, if they do, they have some idea of where to go or what to do.
Indeed. You never learn how to get up unless you fall down.