Some ideas for improvements or the next version:
1. Ability to have a seperate Killfile for some newsgroups. A good example is this scenario. I have Bush, Kerry both in my killfile. I know that in any computer or sports groups these are definately spam. However in the politics groups they are ok.
2. Ability to truncate ultra long usernames from imported posts. I have a few doozies that are stretching my last post columns. Here is an example:
3. Make the script smart so that if the load goes up to a max amount (10 for example) that it will cancel operation until the next cron. This would help when in some cases it is working on some new groups and the forums are allready busy with members.
4. Make a default news server with username and password defined. This is instead of posting them each and every time you add a new group. I just added 90 groups and that was a lot of copying and pasting!!
Thanks to lierduh for creating this and thanks again to dkendall for the awesome edits!!