Originally Posted by filburt1
I support free speech. I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics. You could distort it to a view that discussing illegal activities is a form of conspiracy to commit the crimes in question.
Let's say I opened up a forum about homicide. That's a crime. Would your opinion change?
Then you do not support free speech.
If something is illegal, and it should not be, how can you change it if you can't talk about it?
What if it was illegal to discuss freedom for black people in America? What if it was illegal to discuss women having the right to vote?
Would you have been in favor of discussing those or not? Black people could not legally become citizens, they were PROPERTY. Women could not vote. You would have been against that because it was speech discussing a topic that was illegal?
I personally do not smoke marijuana but have done it before.
I wish it was legalized in the United States. We spend far too much fighting against it and it is virtually harmless compared to alchohol, pain pills, crack, crank, cocaine, heroin, lsd, pcp, etc. etc. etc.
The government could regulate it and profit from it while at the same time keeping tabs on who grows and sells it. It would ease prison overcrowding and allow the police to focus their efforts on drugs that are REALLY harming people.
I didn't make it past the post of yours that I'm replying to filburt but I definately see some flaws in your logic...