Originally Posted by kurtbarker
If I was going to create a calander event and wanted it to create a thread in a forum, I need a way of specifiying which one of my 5 event forums I want it posted in. Is that possible?
Yes thats how it currently works. You link 1 forum to 1 calendar.
Originally Posted by kurtbarker
When the thread is updated, is the calander event automatically updated.
Yes it does.
Originally Posted by kurtbarker
I have 5 event forums, can I link all these to this system so that when a thread is created in any of those it creates a calander event?
Originally Posted by kurtbarker
It does create a calander event when a thread is made in the events forum doesn't it? or does it only create a thread when a calander event is made?
I'll clarify, when you click "New Thread" it takes you to the Add Event Form for that linked Calendar. So your adding an event to the calendar. The plugin then automatically makes a thread linked to the event, and does all the other stuff it needs todo. Once the plugin is installed and you link up a Calendar to a Forum, you can't make normal threads in that forum anymore.