Originally Posted by ed2k_2
Having problems with my browser. Whenever I use the Quick Reply box to post, my browser becomes all white and hangs. I have to press the back button then refresh to make it run.
In some instances, my browser totally crashes.
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! I've been having this problem for awhile now, but it was only for admin's. Well, when this new version came out I only did it to the admins to test it. Since it didn't work I unistalled it.
Well I left this in the admin mark-up
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='*#Your_Base_color*'; var a_speed='*Your_Speed*'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+1; eval('var shimmerspeed' +shimmercount+ '="' +a_speed+ '"'); eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>
I removed that and the quick reply works again. Too bad, I like the original when it came out because it worked, this one's been nothing but a headache. I hope you can get all the bugs worked out on it.
EDIT: Not sure if this will help you with some of your problems, but I clicked the xhtml validate link on one of my pages and lots of errors came up pointing to the mark-up on the user names. I'll attach a screenie of some.
Also here's a copy paste:
# Error Line 1467 column 211: there is no attribute "language".
...ont color="#002fff"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#9dacf1'; var
# Error Line 1467 column 223: element "SCRIPT" undefined.
...002fff"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#9dacf1'; var a_speed='175
# Error Line 1467 column 448: character """ is not allowed in the value of attribute "id".
... '"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>
It is possible that you violated the naming convention for this attribute. For example, id and name attributes must begin with a letter, not a digit.
# Error Line 1467 column 449: value of attribute "id" must be a single token.
...'"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3
This attribute can not take a space-separated list of words as a value, but only one word ("token"). This may also be caused by the use of a space for the value of an attribute which does not permit it.
# Error Line 1467 column 450: character "+" is not allowed in the value of attribute "id".
..."'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3v
# Error Line 1467 column 465: character "+" is not allowed in the value of attribute "id".
...write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></
# Error Line 1467 column 467: character """ is not allowed in the value of attribute "id".
...ite("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></b>
# Error Line 1467 column 487: end tag for "span" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
...+ shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></b></font></a>, <a href
# Info Line 1467 column 438: start tag was here.
...' +scolor+ '"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>");
# Error Line 1467 column 487: end tag for "b" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
...+ shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></b></font></a>, <a href
# Info Line 1467 column 435: start tag was here.
...'="' +scolor+ '"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>
# Error Line 1467 column 502: end tag for element "span" which is not open.
...+ "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></b></font></a>, <a href='search.php?do
The Validator found an end tag for the above element, but that element is not currently open. This is often caused by a leftover end tag from an element that was removed during editing, or by an implicitly closed element (if you have an error related to an element being used where it is not allowed, this is almost certainly the case). In the latter case this error will disappear as soon as you fix the original problem.
If this error occured in a script section of your document, you should probably read this FAQ entry.
# Error Line 1467 column 506: end tag for element "b" which is not open.
...hine'>"); </SCRIPT>3vilfixx</span></b></font></a>, <a href='search.php?do=fin
# Error Line 1467 column 591: an attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified.
...p;u=1' title='09:13 AM' ><font color=red>~Hubba~</font></a>, <a href='search.
# Error Line 1467 column 727: element "SCRIPT" undefined.
...002fff"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#9dacf1'; var a_speed='175
# Error Line 1467 column 952: character """ is not allowed in the value of attribute "id".
... '"'); document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>