manipulating image attachment
I'm looking for the place in the code where I can manipulate an image/file when a user attaches it to a posting.
Not being a PHP geek, even with some hours of searching in the code I couldn't find the right place to do this. There are just so many "if"s and obscure (at least to me) variables in the code that I can't find how to address this and where to address this. Pleeease, help!
What I want to do is something that many other users have asked for before and it's extremely simple to do as soon as I know WHERE to do it: I want to resize attached images automatically to a pre-given size, e.g. resizing them so they are not bigger than 600x600 pixel. And no, I do not want my users to resize the pictures before uploading them, I really want to do this on the server automatically (using GDlib) when they upload right after they've uploaded the image file.
Thanks a lot.