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A tag is a keyword which acts like a subject or category. A keyword is used to organize webpages and objects on the Internet. Each user "tags" a webpage or image using his/her own unique tag. An image or webpage may have multiple tags that identify it. Webpages and images with identical tags are then linked together and users may use the tag to search for similar webpages and images.
Tags can be used to specify properties of an object that are not obvious to the object itself. Tags can be used to find objects with similar properties or to organize objects.
Tags are often used in social software and Web 2.0 pages. The method of allowing open categorization of the Internet is often referred to as Folksonomy.
Bookmark Tags are used in Flock (web browser) and will surface in Firefox 2.0
Popular websites that use Tags
* [1] - A social bookmarking site that allows users to bookmark many sites and then tag them with many descriptive words allowing other people to search by those terms to find pages that other people found useful. See Also: Social bookmarking
* Gmail [2] - A popular web-mail site that was one of the first to allow categorization of objects using tags, known as "labels" on emails.
* Flickr [3] - A service that allows users to tag images with many specific nouns, verbs, and adjectives which describe the picture. This is then searchable. See Also: Metadata#Image metadata
* Basecamp [4] - A project collaboration service that allows users working on projects to tag portions of their work making it easy to find data.