First of all my deepest apologies. I thought I had posted an update of what was happening, but it seems I didn't and i've left you all in the Dark for a long time. I'm really really sorry! Things have been really busy, and I basically just stopped whatever I was doing on this for a while.

I think you will all be interested to hear that vB Event Forums is now at
Version 2.5.
Version 2 was finished mid week, and i've got to
Version 2.5 from doing various tweaks and bug fixes after running with it live for a few days. I'm sure there is still some bugs there, but hopefully i'll get time to fix as many as possible.
Here are the changelogs for the versions. I realise they are a bit big, but I urge you to read through them properly, there is some really big changes! Some of the most notable is how the Event is displayed on the Thread Page & Moderation support. I really feel like this plugin is super close to going Gold now.

Version: 2.5
- Single day events: Time has been removed from thread title, so it now only displays the date.
- Date and Time (if applicable) are added to Posts and Navbits when viewing a thread.
- Custom Fields are added dynamically along with times and dates. This solves a few bugs, and is in preperation for the AdminCP option for a custom order and look etc.
- Currently merging is disabled for any Event Threads because it is a bit of a tricky job to handle merging Event Threads, and it could take some time.
- Admin option to format Event Thread titles. Note this does not yet include ordering custom fields.
- Inline mod tools should now all work.
- Added [Finish] and [Start] as phrases into the Calendar phrases for use in the Events Summary.
- Ranged Events that cover multiple days, are now displayed better in the Summary, Title, Post and Navbits.
Version: 2.0
- Moderation is now supported! Permissions are taken from the Calendar. Events will show up as Events only (threads are hidden and handled seperatly by the plugin) in the moderation queue.
- Better error handling when creating an event. This should now correctly handle flooding, min chars and any other errors creating a thread could give. An event is NOT created if there was an error creating the thread. Instead it displays the correct error message.
- Event View is now displayed above the threads, similar to how does with the addons.
- Links added to the event day view, to View Replies and Post a Reply.
- Added a UserCP option to choose which event it should default to when pressing the "New Thread" button.
- Summary is now totally seperate from the Home Page up "and coming events". The summary will now function even if the homepage version is disabled.
- Ranged Events now show the end date if the Event doesn't finish on the same day.
- Problems with DST and Timezones have been solved. There is an update due in VB v3.6 which corrects confusion with DST. See here for more info. This is more specific to Calendar rather than this plugin though, but its relevant.
- Moving an event to a Calendar not run by the Plugin will remove the link to the assosiated thread.
- Moving an event to a Calendar run by the Plugin will attempt to also move the thread linked to it, to the correct forum.
- Moving a thread to a different event forum, will attempt to move the event to the correct calendar.
- Moving a thread outside an event forum, removes the link to the assosiated event.
- Delete thread or first post now forwards to the Delete Event. Allowing soft-delete of events is something to consider, but for now it only supports Perma Deleting. This would be made much easier if soft deleting events was something supported in the native VB code.
- Fixed Deleting an Event and it now properly updates the forum counters, so the last thread should be correct.
- Event Summary template addition is no longer necessary. A seperate template is added and handled by the plugin.
- Event Summary in the forum now only shows the events for that forum/calendar link.
I've updated the Plugin Info page to show better installation instructions, which should hopefully help out those having trouble installing and setting this up. I've also added a few screenshots to those who were asking for them. Bit late I know, but better late than never!
If your upgrading, please follow the instructions
here for upgrading to
Version 2.5.