Originally Posted by kall
All attachments work fine on my forums.
I said most and not all, why is that, because:
Allow Dynamic URL for [IMG] Tags
With this option set to 'no', the [IMG] tag will not be displayed if the path to the image contains dynamic characters such as ? and &. This can prevent malicious use of the [IMG] tag
Originally Posted by kall
Yes, move them into a Usergroup with no Attachment Posting permissions
So it does not have the option, why don't you just say it?
Originally Posted by kall
Yes. Set 'Can post attachments' to no for the Registered Users group
Read again, Based on user and not Groups, again no it does not have the option
Originally Posted by kall
because that is a setting that we have to prevent users from doing just that
Why do you want to prevent members from posting
IMAGE LINKs and not
Thank you for proving again how this is a pwoerfull hack