Originally Posted by Ghanem
will.. thank you, this is why we need this hack, we don't want to use dynamic URL that does not work on most of the forums 
All attachments work fine on my forums.
Originally Posted by Ghanem
Can you disallow certin users from uploading..
Yes, move them into a Usergroup with no Attachment Posting permissions.
Originally Posted by Ghanem
Can you dissalow uploading if posts is less than x number
Yes. Set 'Can post attachments' to no for the Registered Users group, and have a second group that can, with a promotion based on post count.
Originally Posted by Ghanem
Can you upload with out starting a post
Well, no.
Originally Posted by Ghanem
Can you include 20 image links if the admin allows only 5 per post
No, because that is a setting that we have to prevent users from doing just that.