Like i say, i have VB shout but is only used for staff purposes...
Most if not all of the hacks i have installed are for a purpose
The hacks i installed for the sheer heel of it (to see what it was about )
have been removed.....
The reason for all the modifications was purely to have a different forum to
the majority of forums that are based on the same idea as mine.
The down side is when you look into a hack (and dont know out about coding)
you are not aware that this may (one day) cause issuses with server resources/load, this is why i am trying to find at least the top 10 worst
hacks for using server resources/load.....
I will be supprised if vb shout does cause much greif for me as like i said its
only for about 7 - people and poss max 4 or 5 at anyone time!
So, other than VB Shout 2.0 and the pager (i have the LPP 1 installed)
what else do you know about that could cause our server grief please?