Originally Posted by grundybin
Wanting to protect your work is your right.
A call home function ? Sorry your on the wrong site stonyarc. www.microsoft.com is maybe what your looking for. They're good at things like that.
I work closely with Microsoft on a lot of Xbox related matters and things have changed a lot.
I can tell you that first hand.
Call home serves a purpose in several matters not the least in version control. It's a lot more handy for us if the hacks checks for the latest version.
Originally Posted by ranger2kxlt
Hey guys, I am one of the admins of the above mentioned website. I sincerely apologize for any harm caused because of this entire matter. I was not the admin that installed this hack, nor did I know he had removed the copyright or editted it. I went through and made sure i replaced it exactly the way it was originally.
Thanks to those of you who made me aware of this situation.
Once again, I do apologize.
Thank you for correcting the issue.
It should never have happened but it's done.