Originally Posted by Jon_Simmonds
Ive been using the original method for a while, ill take a look at the code and see if I can merge it in to mine(done so many edits since then, which ive not made notes on..)
Also if you like to use subdomains on yoru sites, ill find the code so you can have something like http://wiki.site.com/PAGETITLE (eg http://wiki.exceem.co.uk/Help:Contents)
The article on making a really short url for MediaWiki is here:
However I am not a hardcore techie to konw which (if any) of the methods listed are foolproof. I have heard now and again that some of those methods do not work perfectly, as in they will not display URLs that contain periods properly.
Also, the script I came up should work great with the other script... the only difference is the extra function call in your LocalSettings.php file for your vB table prefix. If you simply add that information to the LocalSettings.php, then all you need to do is replace the original file with my file and you will be good to go, no worse than before, but have more functionality.