Originally Posted by cayote
One way to go about it is to compare templates in the styles where the hack 'worked' with templates on the styles that don't work and see what the differences are. If you can't figure out what to change, then post here looking for help. Most folks here are more than happy to help and you'll only get a few of the nasty buggers who for whatever reason (makes them feel superior?) have to make a negative reply to every post they see (especially those of us new guys who occasionally ask what to 'them' is a stupid question).
Thanks so much for posting that. Ya know hon, you just helped me in quite a bit because if I install a hack to one, it installs it to all of them ~ I thought this was what was supposed to happen, but maybe I'm wrong too~ So sorry guys, I didn't come here to blame vBulletin. I am quite frustrtated and I do thank you Talisman for you kind post.
This person is obviously frustrated..... to the point that she came here to post about it.... and being so new to vBulletin in the first place, she's understandably confused about what support there is (or isn't) and where it comes from.
Yes, very confused and frustrated for sure and isn't it horrible that I had to start such a Thread that caused problems; this wasn't my intention at all.
@ yumyumcat:
First of all, what skin are you using as your default skin? Did you download it from here..? somewhere else..? is it an adaptation you or your admin have modified yourselves?
Talisman, the skin I was using was quite a difficult skin to install. My administrator made a lot of mods to it since there needed to be more selections to the menu~ it is called SKILLS CLUB and yes, I did download it from here.
Those of us who wish to use multiple skins AND install various vB hacks do our best to simplify code changes by setting the default vB skin as the default skin for the board, which functions as the PARENT skin. Then, all other skins we want would be installed as a CHILD skin beneath that default
Would the parent skin be the one that the hacks get installed to and then once the hack is installed, it's automatically performed to the child skins? My administrator never mentioned anything about the order of skins etc ~ I can see that I truly had no business messing around, but he told me to "go for it" ~ He seemed to think I wouldn't run into any problems I suppose.
When you install a hack, make needed template changes to the default template set - only. Then take a look at how the hack displays using other skins. Jot down any glitches you see before going back to the ACP because you'll need to track those down to make adjustments.
I see that this is where the problem is ~ the default skin has too many modifications and most likely causing these issues.
Thanks so much, sorry to be off in such a rush, I would like to post more regarding this; so I will be back ~
Happy Easter to all ~
BTW ~ I am very sorry if there's any ill will ~ I do apologize.