I'm still a newbie at this too yumy, but I'm learning pretty quickly (helps to have a background in html and other computer stuff). I found early on that most problems with hacks occur not due to VB but more likely due to any styles you have installed. A lot of styles change various templates that get changed again when you add a hack and this leads to problems. One way to go about it is to compare templates in the styles where the hack 'worked' with templates on the styles that don't work and see what the differences are. If you can't figure out what to change, then post here looking for help. Most folks here are more than happy to help and you'll only get a few of the nasty buggers who for whatever reason (makes them feel superior?) have to make a negative reply to every post they see (especially those of us new guys who occasionally ask what to 'them' is a stupid question).
Good luck with your site.