Originally Posted by jamaario
zurv .... Next time try putting a question mark behind your blind assertions. My sites traffic is not dependent on me informing friends, it is sufficiently advertised both online and in print, traffic is not my problem. REGISTRATION is my problem. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him register.. and that is evident as i watch 100 guest fly through my forum without registering, in one hour.
All of my assertions are blind, sivce I dont know you or your site, I thought that was obvious. Anyways it dosent matter, the fact is you said that you thought this took away from your registrations which is impossible. It helps users understand what they are doing. It walks them through it. "Would you like a guided tour?". Cmon man, how does this take away? It should be obvious, i shouldnt have to explain why this hack helps.
And honestly who cares about registrations, you should care about how many people actually interact and take part in your forums.