Thanks for this mod.
I installed it yesterday on a board running vB 3.5.4
Installation was a breeze. The only part that was a bit confusing for me was with regard to the removal of the existing guest message. Mostly just in terms of where to finish removing to. But I'm a novice type.
I spent a few hours putzing around with the different messages and after that I was good to go.
For me one of the attractions of this mod beyond encouraging people to sign up and post more often, was that it should help people who haven't confirmed their email addresses confirm them. We recently moved from a Groupee board to vB, so many of them are having problems requesting a new password to get on to the new board. And also many of them have never updated their email addresses in years so you can imagine what's happening with them.
So I think this might help some of our members help themselves. :banana:
I'll pop back in and update you on whether it increases our new sign ups and new post counts.