I have been crazy busy at work and have been out of town more than at home. It will continue to be like this until at least the end of May. Over the next 4 weeks, I will be home for one of them is all, so time to work on this is virtually non-existant.
I can work on adding them to the memberinfo area, but again, it probably won't happen for awhile. I can look into a possible option of letting you select if you want more than one team for each sport. I am not saying it will happen as I actually have no interest in making it this way, but I will at least look into it and possibly add it to a future update. (just don't hold your breath for it to happen

As far as adding more sports, if you get me the icons, it is easy to add them now. I would love to add MLS but haven't had time to look for icons. If you have some, let me know and I will get them in there. Just read the first couple pages of this thread for the icon requirements.