Sorry.. I couldn't come up with a better title..
What I want to do is to use an ID (gameid) in one table (lapsdb_laps).
But when it displays, it links gameid with game_id in another table (lapsdb_games) and use the relevant game_name field.
That doesn't really make sense since I really am blagging my way through this..
The screenshots may help
Attachment 45660
This shows what it currently does, as in shows the ID and not a name..
The problem im having is getting it to find the name in another table and display that instead.
PHP Code:
// ################################################################
// ################## Now view submitted Laps #####################
// ################################################################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == "viewlaps") {
print_cp_header("All Lap Times");
print_form_header('lapsdb_admin', '');
print_table_header("Edit Delete Lap Times",10);
"<b>Lap ID</b>",
"<b>Game ID</b>",
"<b>Car ID</b>",
"<b>Track ID</b>",
"<b>Lap Time</b>",
$get_laps = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."lapsdb_laps order by lap_id");
while($laps = $db->fetch_array($get_laps))
"<a href='?act=editcheat&cheatid={$cheats['cheatid']}'>Edit</a>",
"<a href='?act=deletecheat&cheatid={$cheats['cheatid']}'>Delete</a>"),
Any help is appreciated, but Ill understand if what im asking doesn't make much sense