Newbie in need of basic html help.
Ok, Please dont laugh at how basic a question this is but Im trying to customise a form hack for my board. I have no html experience other than what I'm learning at the moment. Its a interesting learning curve! I'm also travelling at the moment so I dont have a perment pc! Anyway, Im chopping and changing a generic form but i can't 4 boxs to align properly. The html code is attached. Sorry about the bad indentation I'm using someone elses code!
The screen shot is attached. I want the second box with "general" to be smaller and the 2nd pulldown list to fit.
Code is
<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<b>General</b>:<br />
Place holder for Khmer</td>
<td class="alt1" valign="left" colspan="1">
<select name="General">
<option value="No apparant Distress">No apparant Distress</option>
<option value="Mild distress">Mild distress</option>
<option value="Severe Distress">Severe Distress</option>
<td class="alt1" valign="left" align="left" >
<b>General</b>:<br />
Place holder for Khmer</td>
<td class="alt1" valign="left" align="left" colspan="1">
<select name="General">
<option value="No apparant Distress">No apparant Distress</option>
<option value="Mild distress">Mild distress</option>
<option value="Severe Distress">Severe Distress</option>
Any help is appreciated.