Firstly, sterling work on this hack. I don't fully appreciate the work you had to put in to it as i don't know how to code but I can appreciate, along with everyone else, the usfulness of such a tool.
Ok, I think I worked out what I need to do with this to get it to work. I assume that I need to edit the xml file to my needs. In a the deep end I guess. Just a couple of quick questions if I might.
I dont know php or html coding but I have some experience with VBA.
Can the form user select which forum the message gets posted to?
Do I need to declare the the variable for each field seperatly. I.e I cant reuse a variable. My form will have over 50 input types so its just a hell of a lot of code.
Given the number of inputs is it possible to split the page in to several pages instead of a continoues form. Not a major if you cant, just wondering.
Many thanks in advance