What I am trying to do is make a home page that will show the latest classifieds in all categories on the home page. I have created a sample (please don't laugh at my "paint skills"

) image that is attached.
I retained the stats of the original but I would like navigation on right or left (I showed it on the left) that allows my members to quickly go to the area they are interested in. I only think we need one "Add Advertisement Button" as when you post the advertisement you tell the script which directory it goes into. You can also see that I added an "Advanced Search" on the left... That will allow members to pick values from my custom fields (state, country, new-used, etc) and would then be used in the search criteria to limit results returned.
On the right, this is just a list of the last X classifieds... The Description text would link to the advertisement, category would link to the category the ad is from... It would be nice to be able to add more of the "custom" fields in this as well as perhaps location or ??? is important for some types of advertisements?
I have already started working on this but I am not that good at figuring out the mysql parts of code and the search strings in your little script has me quite confused..
I'll pay $100 for a page that looks like this when done (assuming you could help with the advanced seach as well...)
Oh yea, what gives with the negative times? I guess there is no "kill" for expired classifieds yet?