Originally Posted by bada_bing
What are you talking about? Everyone that is connected to the internet besides dial up users need a NIC card so that their IP address can bind to it. There is no other way myfriend.
As you mentioned dial up users dont have it. Also people who connects to internet via a non nic connection (eg. ADSL users whose modem is connected to their computers via USB or firewire) don't have it.
But this is really irrelevant. Even if you connect to internet via a NIC card, your MAC address is NEVER passed into your internet communication. Internet connection is done via TCP/IP packages and this package's header only includes your IP address (which is the address you use in the internet, NOT in your local network) so the webserver you connect to can never reach your MAC address.
So even if site visitor have a NIC card & MAC address, it is impossible to create a hack that will allow/disallow access to vbulletin by checking MAC address. Because your computer does not send its MAC address info into your internet traffic.
If you believe you can create such a hack, please do so and believe me you'll make a big revolution.