Originally Posted by gio~logist
In phpmyadmin, go to sr_classifieds and then go to fieldx, where x is the id of the field you want to make longer. Then change it to mediumtext and take off the limit
You've been added to the list.
Sorry, I wasn't clear... My issue isn't the length of the variable (set at 100-char) but an issue with how many items I can add to the pick list (I didn't count but say 30-states as opposed to 50)...
Now, when I go into the database I see that the way this is set up that the table "classifieds_fields" has the type defined as "SELECT" and options type is set as varchar(200). I think I need to change this to mediumtext....
The problem is it looks like that would requre that I change all the fields to Mediumtext which will make this pretty large (size wise)...
EDIT: Changing it to MEDIUMTEXT fixed my problem