Originally Posted by Da Drgon
found a bug in the sr_classifieds_feedbit template....
<td class="alt2"><if condition="$show[editcomment]"><a href="sr_classifieds.php?do=editfeedback&rateid=$feed[rateid]">
<a href="sr_classifieds.php?do=ad&adid=$feed[adid]">$feed[comment]</a></td>
where sr_classifieds.php?do=ad&adid= should be sr_classifieds.php?do=ad&id= instead... if you click on the ad link in the user feedback, it gives you an error saying the ad doesn't exist... that's because the URL is not correct.... I manually edited the template and corrected it
Thanks, I was looking for that too!
Also, I noticed there is a limit to the number of items that can be added to the drop down list. I need and want to have dropdowns with COUNTRY and STATE as that way I can build searches to allow members to only look for items in specific countries or states...
If someone figures that out I would love to know!
Also, I would like to suggest a differerent layout... would it be possible to move the latest X-classifieds to the center with the categories being listed on the right margin (obviously it is possible)... Then I would personally like to see the last classifieds listed in the layout like when we go into the categories... I know this is personal preferences and I can hack that later...
Also, I would like to be able to reorder the Custom fields directly in the "Extra Fields Manager" as having to open each field and set the display order is a major PITA.
Please add me to your list and I may need your help with a couple specific mods that I will need in the finished product but there is no sense in me coding that in this Beta version...