I did a tiny edit on this that may help people as well
In /includes/functions_newpost.php find (around 1217) :
'$subject = "' . str_replace("\\'", "'", addslashes(iif(empty($email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]), $emails['-1'][PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB],$email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]))) . '";';
and replace with :
'$subject = "' . str_replace("\\'", "'", addslashes(iif(empty($email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]), $emails['-1'][PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB],$email_text[PHRASETYPEID_MAILSUB]))) ." ". $subjectcode_reply . '";';
This will put the reply code into your subject line of the mails sent , so that all your users need to do is click REPLY - it saves them having to change the subject line.