Has anyone started working on this for sure?
I'm a php coder,
www.himerus.com, and have tons of vb exp...
I posted earlier, needing something like this for a site I was working on, but haven't had time to develop it yet... or really even layout a functionality structure on how it would all be put together....
I'm ready to tackle it for personal reasons, and once finished, I would probably imagine releasing both a free (LITE) version, and a paid version that had tons more features for advanced and large forums...
I am also working currently on a vbulletin hacks site, and vbulletin content generation, etc.
I need this feature on several boards I have built, and that I have managed/helped upgrade....
But without reading through the entire post again yet, I'd be interested in starting it this weekend if things turned out right....
I'm experienced enough to compile a vB extension similar to vbadvanced, or the geek products with respects to code functionality, and ease of setup/use....
it will definitely be a fair project to get completed, and bug free, but I'm looking for some unique hacks to expand the new site on, and again my own purposes make this a must have as well....
I will read back through this, but would like some direct feedback in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc... form stating features/options that are CRITICAL, WANTED, or OPTIONAL...
I'd be happy to take any suggestions from the community before firming up my ideas on getting started...