Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
Right now this just looks like a page of 3 colums and 2 boxes underneath, so my questions is... how customizable is this going to be?
will we be able to add modules for say paypal, for ads, for a calendar, a shoutbox, etc....
I'm basically just trying to get a fully integrated article management system that doesn't look like a modified vbforum but is more in line with what you see on ezine websites. I haven't thought about ads in the aricles since my ads are in my header & footer (it should not be a problem), for paypal you could have that driven by vbulletin I think (pay per article moves user into a readers group?), calendar vb would be fine for me, shoutbox vb based is fine.. Did you go into any of the articles? I think they look good. For example:
If anyone knows of a fully integrated cms that looks professional and independent of vb please let me know, but all I have seen are annoying integration hacks for mambolike cms apps, and cms's like mambo live outside the vbheader and footer, also do not integrate to vb groups from what i can see. Any CMS that is 'vb integrated' just looks like a modified vb forum so I see no point to that..