Could someone please help me. I have made the changes to my templates. I have uploaded the files to my server in the various folders. I think my last step is to "Step 1. Import the following product: product-itrader_extension.xml"
Is this done in my admin panel -Style Manager-Download/Upload Styles?
Whenever trying to import the xml file, I get an error that says it is not a valid file.
Help Import Style XML File
EITHER upload the XML file from your computer
OR import the XML file from your server
Merge Into Style
(Selecting a style here will cause the imported style to be merged into an existing style, overwriting any conflicting entries. Leave blank to create a new style) (Create New Style) -- Default Style -- iTrader
Ignore Style Version
Use style file even if it was created by a different version of vBulletin? Yes No
The following options apply only if you are creating a new style, rather than overwriting an existing style
Title for Uploaded Style
(Leave blank to use the style title specified in the style file)
Parent Style No Parent Style -- Default Style -- iTrader
Display Order
Allow User Selection Yes No