Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP
You can consult with your hosting provider to tighten your server security, change all your server passwords (ftp, root, mysql, vbulletin etc. etc.)
Personally i should say you are little over-reacting on the situation.
For an example.... if would say, "I am going to hack Vbulletin.org if I am not made an administrator here... or not given access to Coders Forum will Xenon care for it ?  lol...
Why not check this forum www.theadminzone.com a great resource for forum administrators you will come across similar problems faced by others 
Thanks for the reply SaN-DeeP
I actually run all my own security on the server... or more precisy, have a very long-time close firend that sets up all this stuff for me and keeps me on my toes (we share resorses - he backs up his server on mine and visa versa. Resetting the passwords and all isn't really an issue - I have very secure passwords and rotate them every month (never use the same one twice) and always use a secure connection when accesseing the server. As they say, rather safe then sorry
Having had his server hacked before, and his forums "tainted" by a similar individual (not the hacker though) - he feels I am justified in doing what I have, I mean, would do you actually wait until the dude announces in pubic that he's gonna take you down before you act? (a very dubious venture - the guy is a hothead, but he ain't an idiot. LOL)
I see what you are saying though - and why the reason for this post to begin with. A little bit of an over-reation - well, I have a great deal at stake and have seen first hand what a hacker can do, the lost time, hard work, and havoc these guys can do is simply horrific. Having literally 1000's of people depending on me running a tight ship - I kinda feel that is a LOT at stake for the sake of one hothead's
free access.
Thanks for the link bro - I think I'll have to check that site out this weekend when I have some free time to play