What if VB and PhotoPost are in different DB's ?
- Unhash these @ the top of the file
// If you use the same userid/password to access both databases, you don't need to
// uncomment the mysql_connect - this is only if you require different ids to access
// the PhotoPost database.
//$link = mysql_connect ("localhost", "$dbuserid", "$dbuserpassword") or die('I cannot connect to the database.');
//mysql_select_db ("pp_database")or die("Could not select photopost database");
- Fill in the photopost DB info
@ very botem of the file
// If you use PhotoPost in a seperate database from vB, you'll need to reselect the vB database!
//mysql_select_db ("vb_database");
Why do my images show up but only as black spots ?
Edit: photopost/config-int.php
- add the " / " slash @ the end of:
$data_dir = "http://www.website.com/photopost/data/";
In Red
Why do I get a header of the box and not images ?
- photopost/config-int.php
// If your PhotoPost tables have a prefix, put it here
// Example:
// pp_ = "pp_";
$pp_db_prefix = "pp_";
Default prefix.