Since og went down my site has increased in members looking for a place to grow. Shame all that great info is lost.
Did you know that sites like min and overgrow are actually causing a large drop in drug related crime, Mainly because people are growing there own and advoiding having to deal with criminals.
90% of Ganja smokers do not have a criminal record and never go on to harder drugs. I know smokers that are in the police and use cannabis to relax after a hard day shovelling people up from under buses.
21% of Drinkers become alcoholics
i think under 18s Should not be allowed to view forums such as mine or overgrow, and that they should stick to the freebie tour on porn sites or those sites where someones having there head hacked off with a carving knife , maybe even some of the sites that tell them how to make pipe bombs and fireworks. We dont want our kids to be junkies do we ?