I did mine at work. I work at Treasure Island in las vegas and I work the grave shift, so right when I get on it is April fools day... so here is what I did.
Ok, so I am at work right? And I find this little strip of a torn off 20 on the ground, so I pick it up and have an idea. So I get one of our "Las Vegas Site" maps, that folds like a brouchure. So I take this little strip of the 20 and I tape it on the inside, so that when you close it it looks like a whole 20 is inside, then I taped a note saying "APRIL FOOLS!" and made a mean smilie, so I put it on the counter and the first person comes up and she is all "Hey... somone left this 20 in this map..." and I laugh and say it is a joke and for her to look inside. So the first person was a good person. But the next person...So I set it up again and put it on the counter and this older lady, like her early 40s I guess, asks where we have our 2 for 1 drink coupons. I point to them and they just so happen to be right by the "trick" she notices, and she pockets it and grabs some coupons. I see her open it on the way out and she got all mad and threw it in the trash with the note falling to the ground.
Awesomeness. :banana: