Originally Posted by Princeton
For starters: - A design should be the last step in this process -- right now, you are throwing your money away. I gaurantee that you will need modifications/additions done to it later on.
- Products that you should have:
- Dedicated Server
- Custom Portal
- Custom Articles System
- A Sponsors System (a system that is simple and which a member has control over ... eg. options, etc)
- Try to stay with vBulletin products (products run by vb core files/functions), adding 3rd-party apps will only increase your workload.
- Get yourself a good copywriter - this is where all sites fail ... without a message you will never increase conversion rate. Your message should pass the AIDAS Test:
- A - Grab their ATTENTION.
- I - Strengthen INTEREST.
- D - Stimulate DESIRE.
- A - Get them to take ACTION.
- S - SATISFY them.
Only after you have done all of the above should you advertise. Advertising in a poker magazine will drive traffic to your site. You will be surprised on how much traffic advertising in the right place can do for a site.
Good Luck
nice recommendations princeton.