Originally Posted by Jasmin
Is there a way to put this on other parts of the site... maybe in the navbar itself, so it displays at the top of every page? I tried, but it wouldn't work on any page, except the forumhome.
Also, is it possible to put this onto another php page... different site, but same server? I'd love to get traffic to my forum from my websites with a scroll like this.
1-yup u can i'll change the hook location then i'll add it as an option product in the first post

2-i'll look in this soon
Originally Posted by bashy
I can get it to show inside the nabar on forumhome page but it then
dissapears when you go to any other page, i have tried many combinations
Sorry i cannot help there 
Originally Posted by Binoy
cool hack..
I have the same doubt as above.. is there a way to put this marque in my entire forum rather than just the index page??
ok ok i'll make it now