Originally Posted by tobe12
Running VB 3.5.4
I would like to add a Photo Gallery to my forums.
Which one would your recommend?
vbGallery or
PhotoPost PHP Pro
Well I always buy for the need.
PhotoPost PHP Pro:
Photos 543,022
Comments 2,169
Views 543,799
Disk Space 26,340.6mb
Categories: 187, Images: 110,566, Posts: 830, Total Views: 345,671, Total Disk Space: 9.35 GB
- vBgallery is integrated into vBulletin w/ templates, phrases, AdminCP
- VB3.0x / 3.5x needed.
- Pro uses a bridge to connects to the forums, but can connect to like 15 other types of forums, has its own Admin, template system, standalone and integrated.
- Pro hands down has 5 times more the options.
I did vBGallery over Pro for it fit the price I wanted to spend at the time. I also wanted a simple gallery for my site to host images. It was not to be the "main attraction" but only another part of the site.
What are your plans ?