Originally Posted by Borisch
We're running MySQL 4.1.15. Any database errors should be sent to my email, but I don't get anything on the import page nor in my email. I just don't know what might be wrong. Executing all the SQL statements manually works fine and creates all the necessary tables and what not, but the hack doesn't seem to use them anyway. Even if I add warning types, the table is empty when looking at it with phpMyAdmin.
It's all very strange.
you only get emails about database problems if
- $config['Database']['technicalemail'] = "tech@mysite.com";(config.php)
- the setting in vbulletin options (error handeling & logging section) is not set to yes
- you do not use thirdy party hacks that might interfere with this
the problem you are having is verry odd.Your MySQL is not a problem i was wrong there