Originally Posted by nate247
Hi, thanks for the reply, thought it may be simple (although I don't have much experience of the admin page as yet sorry) but the site url is www.dontfearIT.com.
I pretty much liked all the buttons etc, the only thing that I would like to change is the top left banner as I want to put my own dontfearIT.com image there.
Also is there anyway to make the forum a little thinner i.e not spanning the whole page?).
Sorry for all the questions but good work on the theme / style, prob the best I have seen yet!
Also is there anyway to make the forum a little thinner i.e not spanning the whole page?).
chance from 100% to what Ever you want 790 maybe
I pretty much liked all the buttons etc, the only thing that I would like to change is the top left banner as I want to put my own dontfearIT.com image there.
use the ps files to edit the logo