Originally Posted by misticjeff
Not sure what I want to say but here goes....
I own and operate www.misticriver.net it is now the largest iriver mp3 player community on the net.
Yours should be a
model for building a great community:
A VERY specific topic which super-serves a very specific community. The purpose of the board is crystal clear when a new visitor arrives, and information (which is plentiful) is easy to find.
I found your board when researching the purchase of an iRiver. Your board was VERY helpful when it came to my decision (I got an iRiver AND an iPod Video

9 times out of 10, I 'arrive' at a message board via Google because I'm looking for INFORMATION...not new friends. Content is [still] king.
Excellent, excellent, excellent!
Personally, I think most board owners make their topic too broad, and it dilutes their potential audience.