Originally posted by CityNet
Arrgh.. I did this hack, entirely as instructed and when going into the Change Profile page I get this:
Parse error: parse error in /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/thecitynetwork.net/httpdocs/forums/member.php on line 1042
What happened?
Finally got around to installing Word and figuring out how to turn on line numbering... What? Line 1042 is just some commented file?
I tried uploading it again. It worked this time.. Thanks. ^_^
((EDIT: Tried entering a URL for an avatar and STILL keep getting "This is not a valid GIF or JPG file. Please ensure that it is and try again"
That's it... I'm going to cuddle up in a fetal position and just cry. Trying to get these avs to work is going to result in me tearing my hair out)