Originally Posted by megnin
I think I'm closing in on my problem getting this to work...
In the "(vb3.x) add banner to forum 1.6.txt" file where it says:
...I assumed that was code that would execute during install. I now believe that I'm suppose to run those four query commands to add those fields to the forum table. I still don't know how to do that though.
Under "Maintenance" is "Execute SQL Query". Is that where I run the above query?
When I click on "Execute SQL Query" in the Control Panel it says, "You are not authorized to execute SQL queries".
I'm stuck.
Runs all of that for you on install. Placement of html edites in 2 templates is all you have to do.
1) Choose the right XML file.
*** How to Install:
In your Admin Control Panel
Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "banner_image.xml"
Allow Overwrite should be on
2) Edit and add / replace(old code).
*** Edit 2 Template(s) : FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD
below add:
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />
*** Useage:
These files can be any image. (png, jpg, gif, ect) or paste your HTML code.
To add banners go to Forums & Moderators => Forum Manager => Edit forum => scroll do to the bottom enter your details.