Originally Posted by amykhar
But, the choice can't be changed after the user registers. They would have to use the regular member group interface for that.
You mean as it is coded now it can't be changed? There is no reason it couldn't be changed if it was coded differently though, right?
I run an online game related message board, and users can have one of three allegiances. Depending on which allegiance they currently have, they are assigned to a usergroup that then assigns them a rank image that shows their allegiance. However, users can change their allegiance in game, and I would like them to be able to change their allegiance choice as well.
I currently use simple publically joinable usergroups. The issue with that is that a user could join multiple groups and thus display multiple allegiance rank images. Some users do, and it's annoying to me to have to hunt them down and tell them that they are misusing the allegiance option.
If I were able to make the allegiance choice a radio button choice in the profile, then they could only have one allegiance at a time, but they would need to be able to change it when they change it in game.
There ought to be a faily simple way to do that. Something along the lines of:
-radio button choice indicates user wants to be part of group A
-check whether user is part of group B already, if so, remove user from group B
-check whether user is part of group C already, if so, remove user from group C
-add user to group A