Originally Posted by Erwin
I have no problem with people being "inspired" - that's okay. In this case, he admits to copying the style "100%" although he made his own images and code, but the style is identical from how he has described it. Making your own images and code makes no difference if you are copying another person's work. That is different to being "inspired".
Erwin check out the link he posted.
Originally Posted by smacklan
I fail to see your point about this style? This is completely unique and uses nothing copyrighted to MS. The "x" image is similar but not the same. Either way, your off topic with the point you are trying to make in that if this style was created by MS and I copied it then yes, it's a rip. In this case it's not. 
My point was the arguement of inspiration that has been given by others here... It is not exactly the same...Look bryond yout own site for the other examples posted.
Originally Posted by infantrymen
That's because she's sidetracking the main subject into tangents. it's a rip and he should remove it. That's that.
Thanks for the sexchange......
You can not provide valid or accurate points so you define mine as tangents and call me a woman? Whats next? Will my posts become a case of bad PMS?