Originally Posted by Injektilo
90% done with the website.
I didnt include the footer images so far, i've changed the tabs a bit and the logo is not ready yet, so i am using a placeholder for the logo
Directpixel plz let me know what i need to change so i'll be legal for me to use this style 
I think he played nice but with answers like, " Still looks blue "....He decided to go the other route... How does the color have to do with it? Are colors copyrighted now?
Originally Posted by DirectPixel
Still looks blue to me.
And I *really* think you should change up the header more. Right now, even though you're making an attempt to set it apart, it still has a huge resemblance to vB.org
Originally Posted by DirectPixel
You do realized that I designed both those styles, right?
Nope.... But I have seen other styles that look alike... I don't know which style came first, the one here or the one there as it could of been converted over the years however didn't you say it was up to vb.org to give permission....Then theres one just like it selling elsewhere....Seems like vb.org kind of got the shaft on being unique...